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COP 28 – The Global Climate Summit

COP 28 – The Global Climate Summit
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COP 28 as part of COP or the Conference of Parties is the apex decision making body of UNFCCC. UNFCCC was instituted to deal with the growing threat of climate change. It was signed in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development also known as Rio Summit or Earth Summit. The Secretariat of UNFCCC is located in Bonn, Germany.


Outcomes of COP 26

COP has had some significant outcomes since its first conference in Berlin. UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, Patricia Espinosa outlined the sustainable outcomes of COP 26 during the ministerial dialogue at OLADE energy week. Here they are:


  • Adapting to the impacts of climate change. After COP 26, a work programme has come into existence to define how all the countries will adapt to this phenomenon.


  • Creating more funds for developing countries to help them in the process of adaptation.


  • Although emission levels have come down, more efforts need to be taken by governments. For this, the deployment of renewables needs to be accelerated.


  • Finalizing the guidelines for the complete implementation of the Paris Agreement, ensuring fair competition and finalizing negotiations on the ETF or Enhanced Transparency Framework to help countries build trust.



The 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) will take place in November 2023 at Expo City Dubai, United Arab Emirates. COP28 will unite the world towards agreement on bold, practical and ambitious solutions to the most pressing global challenge of our time.


As host of COP28, the UAE has outlined four priority areas in which it plans to encourage action and elevate the global community’s collective ambition and achieve a major course correction to cut global emissions 43 percent by 2030.


  • Mitigation: Greatly expand renewable energy generation and low-carbon hydrogen production; transform food and agriculture systems; work with the energy industry to accelerate decarbonization and reduce methane emissions.


  • Adaptation: Protect the most vulnerable communities and most critical systems from climate impacts, such as extreme weather and biodiversity loss; invest in nature-based solutions; expand adaptation fi­nance for the Global South.



  • Finance: Make climate ­finance more affordable and accessible; expand private capital directed toward climate solutions; answer the call from the international community for an inclusive reform of the multilateral development banks and international financial institutions.


  • Loss and Damage: Help the most vulnerable to rebuild after climate-related disasters; operationalize the loss-and-damage fund.


Since its inception in 1971, the UAE has supported the global climate agenda. As a country at the heart of climate impacts and undergoing a major energy transition, the UAE has long viewed climate change as a challenge that must be overcome.


The UAE’s hosting of COP28 builds on the country’s track record of action to meet the global climate challenge. The UAE is a global hub for logistics, transportation and green technology and is at the crossroads of business, commerce and tourism. The country is therefore uniquely positioned to build bridges and foster consensus to accelerate inclusive climate progress.


The UAE is the first country in the region to ratify the Paris Agreement, the first to commit to an economy-wide reduction in emissions, and the first to announce a Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative, proving its commitment to raising ambition for climate action.



We, at UNITED BLUERISE, aim to promote rewarding sustainable solutions where the health benefits of a “pure-living” truly meet in parallel with environment challenges of a “plastic-free” world.


As a global movement, we also strongly invite individuals and groups by choosing to reuse and saving millions of pieces of plastic from ending in nature, which is surely the principal to reduce plastic pollution and of course the climate change. In this pathway, we can together keep our environment and community a plastic-free for the future.


The goal for all of us is to stand up for an ideal and unite towards a better world by sharing facts, ideas and advice on how to live a more responsible life. Our consuming culture is polluting our planet. We need prompt lifestyle changes when it comes to single-use plastic. Our goal is ultimately to reduce plastic waste. Plastic is not only polluting our planet and impacting communities around us, but it’s also making its way into our bodies through the air we breathe, food we eat, and water we drink.


Article: QL-7123


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